EWA TRĘBACZ [read like: Eva Trembatch]

Curriculum Vitae


digital video


Obviously, I was born one day.

I don’t think it mattered, no one noticed. Not even myself.

The day I did notice my lack of presence, my permanent and absolute absence, that day I was born for real.

I am the No One.



Once upon a time, I decided to abandon my negative presence.

There was a rumor that Phoenix, the legendary bird Phoenix, the one who possessed the Mystery of Death and Revival, was captured by Those Who Starve for Eternity.


As always, I was terribly late.

The unfortunate Phoenix, so disgracefully caught, had already been roasted on a sacred fire, and consumed by a tribe of Eternal Gluttons.

When I finally arrived at the place of the feast, there were only a few bones!


And one little feather.

As always, I was terribly late.



I am certain that the Apocalypse happened when I was asleep, in a warm spring Night of the Seventh Seal! None of the Four Riders gave me even the slightest glance!

I overslept terribly.


Deprived of my last hope, I slowly sunk into my usual lethargy, leaving the World on its everyday’s decline.



I think I will spend the rest of Time rotating around my own axis.

I still have not decided upon a direction.



April 12, 2005

Meany Hall for the Performing Arts

University of Washington Campus in Seattle

Courtney Harris 


Hope Wechkin


Directed and written by 
Ewa Trębacz